Saturday 29 August 2015

Wet n wild lippie from

Hello all~ hows everyone?

Today I thought I might just write about the wet n wild lipsticks i got from on instagram and carousell. First of all, service. And from my very first post many of you all would know I personally place high importance in the service i receive from the person I'm purchasing an item from. Let's all take a moment to just appreciate this lady's AWESOME customer service. (': The more lipsticks I got from her she just gave me so much discounts and I'm not talking about a few cents off okay?! She was patient and gave me ample time to gather a few friends so we can purchase together. We ended up getting like 39 lippies from her, and not only did she place an order immediately, she also rushed it to arrive with the PO that already closed so i can pass them to my friends sooner. How nice is she?! :D

Happy to have got them (':

LOOK! 39 lippies (: Oh yeah and forgot to mention she gave quite a few freebies too!

So following monday i went to school to pass them to my friends feeling like some make up junkie or like some lipstick dealer! (insert laugh till cry emoji here)

Me and jamz obviously too happy with the new lippies! I was wearing "spiked with rum" and she, "mochalicious" (:


& I'm not even gonna try to hide it, Yes I do have a HUGE PIMPLE IN THE MIDDLE OF MY FOREHEAD

Can't even be bothered to photoshop it away HAHA. Au natural~

 Everyone seemed quite pleased with the product! and this is gorgeous Shayne Yeo in the shade "Sugarplum Fairy"

Oh except one thing tho, but this happens to 

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Stop being the Bully!

Hello all!

Something occurred to today that made me feel a huge need to write this. And as you can read from the title, you should know what this post is about. 

Bullying is a very dangerous thing. Something that may lead to hurting someone's feeling or even worse. We all know that right? But sometimes we do things that we may not realize is a form of bullying. You don't have to be physically hurting someone to be considered picking on them. Some of you may not realize but gossiping or trying to damage someone's reputation is bullying too. I mean like if you are talking bad about someone behind their back? Yeah that's bullying. 

Image result for no emoji

Like I said in my previous post, you are perfect just the way you are, you don't have to bring someone down just to make yourself better. Such an act is just so pathetic. Only the most insecure people have to make others look bad just so they can feel better about themselves. What is the point of slamming someone? You hurt feelings and I doubt you'd portray yourself in a very nice way doing so. If people laugh at your crude comments with you, how do you know they don't laugh at the same comments ABOUT you. I just really don't think it is very nice. Especially if you have to make stuff up just to bring that person down. 

The shallowest kinds of bullies are the kind that needs to slam someone with:

1. Untrue facts
2. Physical appearance

Okay I admit I do sometimes judge some people by their outward appearance and I do agree that its mean cause we cant help how we look. But yeah it is shallow and i agree it's because we have nothing else to diss the person about. Most of the time we only criticize people based on looks when we really have nothing else to say and we have to resort to bitching about how they look. Or when some people can't find anything better to say about the person or they do not really know him or her too well they start making up nonsensical rumors about them. You my dear friend, I like to call a rumormonger or "i-have-to-resort-to-making-shit-up-cause-i'm-jealous-of-you". 

You can feel inadequate and that's normal, but please don't resort to making someone feel bad in order to feel good. It's just not right. Plus my friend Ashraf said if you do so you are absorbing their bad karma huehuehue.
 Ugh too tired to even continue about this. I'm so sick and tired of people messing with my friends. I mean do it to me? Fine. But don't you dare mess with those around me. 
Image result for angry and gun emoji

Just because you might be blessed with a certain trait does not give you the right to look down on someone who is not. Don't make fun of people who are different, cause they are the unique ones. You? You might just be another basic bitch. oops i said it. :P

Okay, the whole point isn't about me being angry but i just wish this bullying would stop. So many kids have suffered through bullying and i'm sure that many of you reading this right now empathize with this right? We've all been the victim at one point or another and we know how it feels to have a bunch of people pointing, staring and laughing. We know that feeling of loneliness when that happens, the anger and depression. Feeling so helpless. So shouldn't we be the last people to want to even inflict this sort of pain on someone else?


Pale girls, eat your hearts out. HAHAHAHA

k thanks bye :*

Monday 3 August 2015

Insecurities; We all have them

Hello beautiful people.

Today i wanna talk about insecurities. I guess this is a semi-rant? Ok so click away if you don't wanna read yeah?
 Alright, insecurities. What is so messed up about our society is that there is a fixed definition of beauty. And in our Asian society, its fair skin, long hair, big eyes, sharp nose, thin lips and a Chinese looking face. Everywhere we go, there is a constant reminder that that is what beauty looks like. Blogshop models, bloggers, actress and youtubers they all have that certain look about them that our society deems beautiful. But what about the rest of us? Here we are, with tiny eyes or frizzy hair and when we look at those models or bloggers online, all we see are how inadequate we are in comparison. 

Why does beauty have to mean having a certain weight or flawless skin? Well it doesn't. I know it's cliche to say "true beauty comes from within". But i want all of you to think about it again. As time passes, all our outer appearances will no longer be what it used to be. Our perfect skin will turn wrinkly, our hair will grey and our teeth will fall out. What will set you apart from the rest then? Your heart, your kindness, your positivity.

I seriously believe that no one is ugly based on appearance, if you think about, someone who is attractive to you might not look as good as to someone else as he or she does to you. Different people have different perceptions of what beauty is. But the media has chosen one perception and made it the "norm". Well, I'm telling you today it is not. Don't believe what the media portrays as beautiful, you are sufficient, you are smart, you are pretty no matter what you look like. Many might be thinking right now, "But I don't look like Cara Delevingne, Kate Upton, or even Naomi Neo of course its easy to be insecure. But everyone has insecurities, even them. It's a normal thing to feel that way but you dont have to feel alone. Everyone feels insecure sometime but should that be something you worry about constantly? If you're thinking about it everyday and every minute then it's unhealthy.

I asked a few of my friends to tell me their biggest insecurity about themselves and a few were their Thighs, body shape, weight and pimple scars. But when we heard what each of us had said we were like "WHAT? Seriously???" None of us had even thought that any one of them had that "flaw". So my point is, What you may feel you hate about yourself and am ashamed, probably isn't noticed by anyone at all."

They always say that the grass is greener on the other side, and you'd think another person has it better off than you. But the thing is we as humans are never satisfied with what we have. For example you may wish to have tanner skin but the girl with tan skin wishes to have your pale porcelain skin. So what you may resent about yourself may be adored by someone else.

So love yourself and every single thing about you. Cause you are special, unique and beautiful just the way you are.
*insert heart eyes emoji here*