Monday 3 August 2015

Insecurities; We all have them

Hello beautiful people.

Today i wanna talk about insecurities. I guess this is a semi-rant? Ok so click away if you don't wanna read yeah?
 Alright, insecurities. What is so messed up about our society is that there is a fixed definition of beauty. And in our Asian society, its fair skin, long hair, big eyes, sharp nose, thin lips and a Chinese looking face. Everywhere we go, there is a constant reminder that that is what beauty looks like. Blogshop models, bloggers, actress and youtubers they all have that certain look about them that our society deems beautiful. But what about the rest of us? Here we are, with tiny eyes or frizzy hair and when we look at those models or bloggers online, all we see are how inadequate we are in comparison. 

Why does beauty have to mean having a certain weight or flawless skin? Well it doesn't. I know it's cliche to say "true beauty comes from within". But i want all of you to think about it again. As time passes, all our outer appearances will no longer be what it used to be. Our perfect skin will turn wrinkly, our hair will grey and our teeth will fall out. What will set you apart from the rest then? Your heart, your kindness, your positivity.

I seriously believe that no one is ugly based on appearance, if you think about, someone who is attractive to you might not look as good as to someone else as he or she does to you. Different people have different perceptions of what beauty is. But the media has chosen one perception and made it the "norm". Well, I'm telling you today it is not. Don't believe what the media portrays as beautiful, you are sufficient, you are smart, you are pretty no matter what you look like. Many might be thinking right now, "But I don't look like Cara Delevingne, Kate Upton, or even Naomi Neo of course its easy to be insecure. But everyone has insecurities, even them. It's a normal thing to feel that way but you dont have to feel alone. Everyone feels insecure sometime but should that be something you worry about constantly? If you're thinking about it everyday and every minute then it's unhealthy.

I asked a few of my friends to tell me their biggest insecurity about themselves and a few were their Thighs, body shape, weight and pimple scars. But when we heard what each of us had said we were like "WHAT? Seriously???" None of us had even thought that any one of them had that "flaw". So my point is, What you may feel you hate about yourself and am ashamed, probably isn't noticed by anyone at all."

They always say that the grass is greener on the other side, and you'd think another person has it better off than you. But the thing is we as humans are never satisfied with what we have. For example you may wish to have tanner skin but the girl with tan skin wishes to have your pale porcelain skin. So what you may resent about yourself may be adored by someone else.

So love yourself and every single thing about you. Cause you are special, unique and beautiful just the way you are.
*insert heart eyes emoji here*

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