Sunday 22 November 2015


Hey guys! 
Sorry for the dead blog that I have not updated for so long, as I was preparing for my Taiwan trip! Which I actually wanted to blog about while I was there but eventually decided not to bring my laptop>.> (Btw i wanted to add in photos but everything has been erased from my phone when the screen cracked soooo.... I guess this will have to be a very wordy post)

So Day 1 we did nothing much but headed to some mosque for a halal dinner. It was kinda weird seeing like Chinese people in a mosque and halal Chinese cuisine. Haha, after which we headed to Liuhe night market for a bit of shopping and then we headed back to the hotel! So not much for day 1, just a hell a lot of flying, which I honestly really hate! Having like all the recent crashes just is not helping the whole "I-HATE-FLYING" situation.

Day 2 we visited an aquaculture farm which was surprisingly a lot cleaner than the ones we have in Singapore... Just saying. Oh actually we visited 2 farms, one was actually like some rescue team where they brought marine creatures such as turtles that got washed ashore, back to their farm to nurse them back to health before releasing them. Also, I stuck my finger into a clown fish rearing tank and I wasn't supposed to. So I'm sorry ): There was like a mega huge turtle too??? 3 times my size I'm not joking. Then we visited an aquarium where China people yelled at me and called me a sharpie. :< We had like seafood for all our meals that day. Do you know how perpetuated I was not having proper meat in my meals 2 days in a row? -insert crying emoji-

Day 3 we visited the indigenous peoples culture park. Indigenous because it became illegal to call them aboriginal for some reason... Taiwan, go figure :S And this is where the nightmare began. The tour guide's boss decided to bring his daughter to join us for the tour. His cutesy 5 year old who looked like the sweetest angel. Cute as a button. She stuck to Jamie and I immediately and for the rest of the day. At first it was fine, she was just a tiny little monkey running around... but after 2 hours of that crap it started becoming annoying! Like there was this one time where we were half way up the hill that we were climbing and she was just like "oh I'm tired and I don't want to climb anymore" so she ran ALL THE WAY BACK DOWN. Not gonna lie, I kinda wanted to kick her at that point. I had to separate from the tour just to go look for her. Where was her father? Oh you know... just shirking all responsibility of his own child. I was fine with looking after her but throwing her at me on purpose was a shitty parenting move. After that we avoided her, like all the way. But for some reason, she just kept finding us *cries* Okay, Day 3 was also the day our facilitator started throwing fits. He got upset that the waitress was rude, spilled a drink and blamed him afterwards. I get that he is angry but hey, show some professionalism? ( you will understand more later)
Oh AND WE ALSO DROVE ON THE RODE ON OUR E-BIKE. Being a short Asian female, that was kinda a bad idea which also led us to understand road rage!

Day 4, we finally had a decent meal! Like finally... But then things happened and the waiter (male) kissed the student from another class (male too) and our facilitator got angry and KICKED THE CHAIR and left. I mean, being angry is fine but as a professional you really shouldn't be showing your anger outwardly. But that's my personally opinion. We visited a herbal factory and a mangrove swamp after which. I was not too keen on the boat rides though, cause if it is not clear enough I hate boats.
Day 5, an exciting day. We visited a marine university and ok, there was this professor who was giving us a tour and he was so excited to show us his invention. Some gadget that was able to purify water by emitting tiny little bubbles that disperse the bacteria and such. He was really proud of it and was showing off his certificate and explaining how it works and such. Our facilitator... told him that Singapore already had this invention on the market, and that it was a better version. He also emphasized again that you could buy it anywhere in Singapore and it was not HIS invention. So obviously the prof got pretty embarrassed and was at lost for what to say. Now our facilitator was really proud of what he did and was beaming at the back and telling us what he said. OH MY GOSH, why must he embarrass the guy for no reason? He couldn't have just let him be? Poor professor )': For lunch we had Shabu Shabu and me being the excited little food junkie I tried to eat everything as fast as I could so I could get my  money's worth. Stupid choice cause by dinner i couldn't eat the Korean BBQ):
Day 6, last day (full day) we have in Taiwan and guess what? I woke up in the middle of the night with a horrible tummy ache and feeling of puking. Come morning and i couldn't even get out of bed. Long story short I ended up in the hospital awaiting the most horribly painful shot I ever had.

I wish i could show you the video of Shiro's reaction when he saw me after 7 days of being away but i forgot to save it cause i posted it on snapchat): But he freaked out and shit himself. Haha he got too excited and started pooping immediately on the dining room floor *cry-laughing emoji*

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