Saturday 25 July 2015

RANT: Worst Online Shopping Experience

Hey guys, im sorry to start everything off with such a downer but this has been keeping me seething with rage the past weeks. I've really been trying to be nice and all but seriously i cannot stand when people who don't even know basic customer service ethics. Seriously, if you don't have a nice attitude or aren't a very organised person in general, DON'T RUN AN ONLINE STORE! Or have any job that requires you to interact with people in general.

So many of you who know me, know that i LOVE shopping online. I get A LOT of things online. Sometimes from new online instashops, blogshops and such. Why? Cause i admire their entrepreneurship and that they are daring enough to take risks opening an online store, and i want to support them if i think they have unique or innovative ideas that seem feasible enough. But this instashop, makes me regret even wanting to purchase from her... Ok so down to what happened:

I was just browsing instagram going through different instashops i follow and from seeing their shoutouts i go on to another shop till i saw this particular store which sold customized cases. I thought why not? This would make a great gift for Jamie. So i dm-ed her and asked to order the case, and i thought it was really nice so i got one for myself too. 

Ok so everything went smooth right? WRONG. I transfered her the money the very next day, see? Proof. I sent her a picture also.

 As you can see I waited a week and it was still not done, though i was told it would take 5 days. And i get that sometimes if you work with partners it might be delayed and its not your fault, But at least it would be nice to receive an update to know what is going on. And take note, constantly throughout the entire conversation she took hours to reply. Ok, so after she said its already done, i asked if i could see it and she says she will email me cause it is on her com, but even after giving me my email, yet again she ignored me. I waited till about 1 or 2 days later then prompted her again which she ignored. Each time i prompted her i gave 1 day to reply but yet she still ignored me. I mean if you are running a business, stick to your damn deadline. And while she was ignoring me, she had the audacity to post things online, not one but 3-4 consecutive posts for shoutouts.   


Finally i lost patience and wrote on one of her posts for her to reply to my dm.
And she sent me the picture a few hours later through instagram direct message. But i got curious, how come it was on her phone when she said it was on her com? Like im sure she go through the trouble just to transfer the photo from her com to her phone to dm me when she could have just emailed it straight to me. So i went to check her partner's IG account, and she had literally just posted the photo 0.0 like just minutes before she had sent it to me. Really didn't know if she was lying about having the pictures before or she just screenshot and sent it to me. But i gave her the benefit of the doubt as like i said earlier, it can be due to her partner being slow. But again, i wish she had updated me. A "I'm sorry but there's a bit of a delay, please give me more time." would have been nice.

So if you read on further, like a few days later i was really tired of waiting and not receiving replies while she just continues posting on her account! Like hello? Rude much? (Btw this was 2 weeks in.)
And of course, another excuse of why she can't produce the picture. At this point i was really damn sick an tired of all these nonsense. So i asked for refund if it couldn't be done by Saturday.

Ok so i waited half the day and still she didn't update me or let me know if it was done so i sent her this

AGAIN, she ignored me. And i commented on her latest post again. I realised another girl had done the same, "Pls reply my whatsapp thanks" was what she typed, so i figured she had her number and asked her for it and called up the seller. I was also nice and didnt yell or anything and asked her to refund me my money and details was in the DM i sent her, and she was like "K." in a really rude tone. And she just "K"-ed me like all the way. NO APOLOGY WHATSOEVER?! Rude right???

(See? Only half the drawing... who knows maybe its only half completed... Haiz)

Then she gave ANOTHER excuse that she already mailed out the case. 
Erm, 1. who would waste postage mailing out two times
2. Why didn't she inform me earlier that she already had it mailed out?
3. She claimed she would get it back from the post office. 

YEAH IF YOU ALREADY MAIL OUT STILL CAN GO POST OFFICE TAKE BACK UH? Like they will go through hundreds of parcels and retrieve yours back =.= This girl thinks I'm retarded. Seriously girl, there are too many holes in your damn story! Ok so finally she agreed to give me back my money but wait! There's a catch! 
I have to wait, again. Because? Because got another excuse...

And then ignore me again... Tiring right? I'm feeling tired from just typing all this out =.=
I ended up texting her.

Yeah so now I'll have to wait till Tuesday. ): So tired of all this. Seriously...

Guys if you want to run an online store, please be punctual with replies, meet up and just let your customer know if you will be delayed due to any reason, they will understand. Whatever it is, it beats not giving them any information at all and letting them blindly wait for your reply. To be honest, it really gets someone really jumpy knowing that the money is sent out but they are not getting any replies from you. SO PLEASE, DON'T DO THIS TO YOUR CUSTOMERS. Especially not me... This is like the worst experience i had shopping online, besides the girl sending me her used socks, and even so at least she replied me >.>

Anyways sorry to be such a downer and post this but i just felt that this should really be put out there. There are so many girls starting up online businesses in the recent years and i think it's really brave, but if you cant sustain it, or don't have the free time to even check and reply your messages, i really don't think you should be running one. 

On the side note, do check out! They are having a promotion which allows you to check out any two items for just $23.90!

  1. Just add any two items to cart and checkout as per normal. 
  2. Disregard the email invoice sent to you and just make your payment of $23.90.
  3. This promotion is not valid for Poah Collections.
  4. Promotion is not valid on Poah Collections and Swimwear Collections.
  • Free normal postage for all orders
  • Enjoy free normal postage with no minimum amount of spending! No hidden cost on shoppoah!

Thanks for reading my rant, i'll try to make the next post not so angsty and depressing... hahaha
Hi Rachael *V*
Hi Victoria :D

1 comment:

  1. You are so nice. If it was me who experience this kind of service, its either i'll just shut up to prevent myself from saying rude comments, or i'll spam here ig account :)) so much of your time was wasted dealing with the seller...
